ogoh-ogoh dewa ruci and bima

The Ogoh-Ogoh Parade in this year was being held on March 6, 2008. In Denpasar City, the parade was focused at the city center or Catur Muka Statue. In this parade, the youth of Banjar (Local Community) Pekambingan and Catur Panca made an Ogoh-Ogoh named Dewa Ruci and Bima. The youth have been constructed it for a month and now it is ready to expose.

The kids were also happy with their ogoh-ogoh. They made the small one and brought it around the City of Denpasar accompanied by their parents and pecalang. Here is the picture. I think that the people were glad with Ogoh-Ogoh Parade.

To read more about ogoh-ogoh, please click here http://www.sapteka.net/ogohogoh.htm