Soto Lamongan

Soto lamongan is different with any other Soto. Soto Lamongan is the only Soto which using Koya or some kind of garlic powder. The side dish for this food is chicken, that is a free-range chicken, which is been steam with the spices before
At first, the soup for this Soto is clear, but as the time goes by it has an acculturation with Surabaya Soto, which use milk fish for the soup. The early begin why using Koya is not been sure, the fact that Koya is made from shrimp cracker and fried garlic, which both of them are pounded manually.
Soto Lamongan is consist of, rice, chicken, egg, the young egg or 'Uritan', celery, so'un noddle, and soup. There two ways to serve Soto Lamongan, in partly or mix in one bowl. In partly means that your rice will be parted from the soup and the dishes, or you can mix all the ingredient into one bowl. The ingredients from this Soto are coriander, caraway seed, lemon grass, onion, garlic, ginger, galangale, pepper, salt, candle nut andfried onion. Beside, Soto Lamongan also consist of carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamin and some other mineral from the meat, milk fish and the green vegetable.