Sunan Kalijaga estimated born in 1450 with the name Raden Said. He is the son of the Duke of Tuban named Raden Tumenggung Wilwatikta or Sahur. Other names among other Sunan Kalijaga Lokajaya, Sheikh Malaya, Prince Tuban, and Abdurrahman Raden. Based on a public version of Cirebon, the name comes from the village Kalijaga Kalijaga in Cirebon. At Sunan Kalijaga dwelt there, he often bathe in the river (time), or keep time.
In one history, Sunan Kalijaga mentioned married to Dewi Saroh bint Maulana Ishak, and has 3 sons: R. Umar Said (Sunan Muria), Dewi Dewi Rakayuh and Sofiah.
When he died, he was buried in the village of Kadilangu, near the town of Demak (NCO). This tomb is still crowded today visited people
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