Brondong Fish Auction

It is a great blessing that Lamongan regency has sea-richness with its 47 km beach, covering 17 coastal villages villages, from Lohgung villagein Brondong district to Weru Lor village in Paciran district. This natural condition provides an alternative choice for the coastal society to work in fishery sector. There are 23,186 fishermen, 435 fish cultivators, 49 hatchery enterpreneurs, one could-storage unit and 7 units of ice factory (supplying fishermen's need).

The available boats are more than 15,000 units and all of them are machine-generated. Meanwhile, the catching appratus are 271 purse seins, 586 large nets, 795 gill nets, 595 tromel nets and 233 other tools. The well-known catching results are Layang fish, Kuningan fish, Tongkol, Tengiri, Kakap Merah, Rajungan, Dorang and Cumi-Cumi. The marketing covers East Java and Yogyakarta. Even, through cold storage company in Paciran, the products are exported to the markets of China, Taiwan, Japan, Europe and United States of America.

To supports its marketing, the government keep developing the facilities of TPI (centre of fish auction) in Weru, Kranji, Lohgung, Labuhan and Brondong.

The Center of Fish Auction of Brondong (TPI Brondong) is place for 18.248 fisherman for getting off their fish for sale. They got off the fish about 34.323 tons every year. Beside that, Lamongan regency also produces Windu shrimp with quantity of 2.000 tons in the years of 2000. The development of Windu shrimp commodities still give an opportunity to the export market.