benefits of black tea

Tea is the scientific term is better known as Camellia Sinensis. It is said that tea plants have been planted more than 2,000 years ago and is consumed by the people of China from the 4th century, spread to Japan by Buddhist priest in the 8th century. While spreading to the Continent by Dutch traders in the 17th century.

From the research done to say that tea is one alternative to traditional treatment is relatively inexpensive and very easy to obtain in the body cope with health problems.

Some studies have indeed shown that tea has a very important benefits to the human body, not only gives freshness, but also helps prevent and overcome a variety of health problems the body.

What is Ou Tea?

Black tea is grown in the mountains and only taken three highest tea leaf is young and go through three stages of the production process to produce the contents perfect.
Ou Tea Production Process

Tops of the sinensis varieties of tea leaves are picked and dried with warm air and humidity, moderate to +30 oC temperature for 10 to 15 hours.

After that, begin the process of scrolling and Polyphenol oxidation (fermentation) to reconcile with the enzyme Fenolase Polyphenols and minimize leaf particles.

Furthermore, drying is carried out continuously with the temperature 90oC (Inlet) so that the color changes from golden brown to black with moisture content of 3%, so stop the enzyme activity and prolong the life savings and produce a specific aroma.
Ou Tea Ingredients
Theaflavins and Thearubigin
Vitamin E
Vitamin K

Substances contained in tea Ou this very important role in the process of Health Prevention and Recovery.

Tannins. Tea naturally contain high tannins, tannins not only help heal burns and stop bleeding, but also help prevent infection. Tannin is also very effective to protect the kidneys. Tannin has been used to help overcome the help of a sore throat, daire, bleeding, fatigue, sores / ulcers. Tannin is also reported to help turn off the bacteria, polio and herpes viruses. Tannin can help remove toxins and poisons bees bites cause irritation of the skin. (Hamilton-Miller JM; Antimicrobial properties of tea - Camellia sinensis L.)

Theaflavins and Thearubigin (a type of amino acid) has antioxidant that functions as a binding element of hazardous metals in the body and can mimic the function of insulin in a protein known as foxos (Dr Graham Rena, University of Dundee). Helping launch the digestive process and can help neutralize fat in food. (RG Bailey, HE Nursten; Isolation and high-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of fractions from thearubigin black tea; Journal of Chromatography)

Polyphenols are a group of chemical substances found in plants, capacity 100 times more effective than Vitamin C, and 25 times more effective than Vitamin E in neutralizing free radicals. Polyphenols may help normalize thyroid hyperfunction and (Jane V. Higdon, Balz Frei; Tea catechins and polyphenols: Health Effects, Metabolism, and Antioxidant Functions). Archie of Internal Medicine; mention also that polyphenols also act as a deterrent bad cholesterol (LDL = Low Density Lipoprotein)

Flavonoids act as a natural compound that can form the nature of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, and able to inhibit the clotting of platelet cells that help prevent blood clot. (John Folts, director of the University of Wisconsin Medical School, USA)

Catechin is a powerful antioxidant similar to beta-carotene. Jean Carper in The Food Pharmacy, the study proved catechins can strengthen capillary walls and slow the process of atherosclerosis. Content of catechins can also kill Helicobar Pylori, the bacteria trigger stomach cancer.

Fluoride, teeth and maintain healthy gums and a role in bone metabolism, helps fight osteoporosis. (World Health Organization; Environmental Health Criteria 227: Fluorides)

Magnesium, maintain muscle function and nerve to be normal, helps keep the immune system and to maintain strong bones. Magnesium also helps normalize blood sugar levels and blood pressure. Magnesium play an important role in helping prevent cardiovascular disease and regulate the amount of calcium into the cell body. (National Institutes of Health, Office of Dietary Supplements, USA)

Vitamin E, an antioxidant that protects the body from damage caused by free radicals. Vitamin E also plays an important role in red blood cells and helps the use of vitamin K by the body. (Herrera E, Barbas C, Vitamin E: action, and Perspectives metabolism)

Vitamin K, helps blood clotting process (clotting) and the process of bone metabolism and help prevent osteoporosis and Calcification in the arteries. (Jamie Adams and Joseph Pepping; Vitamin K in the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis and arterial calcification).
Real Ou Tea Benefits

Pengimport countries Ou Tea from Taiwan such as Indonesia, China, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, UK, Australia and America, admitted that regularly drinking tea every day Ou will improve the health of the body believed to be an alternative even to help cope with health complaints:

Reduce atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)
Helps improve the body's health and stamina
Helps increase blood flow throughout the body
Helps increase metabolism and immune
Helps aid digestion and urine
Thirst relief
Helps neutralize fat in foods
Helps normalize blood sugar and cholesterol levels
Helps stop the bleeding and infection prevention
Helps protect your body from bacteria and viruses
Helps prevent cell clumping of blood platelets
Helps normalize thyroid hyperfunction and
Helps reduce the possibility of dental caries and gum disease.
Help fight osteoporosis and Calcification in arteries

Regular smokers who drink tea Ou, improvements will occur morfologik mucosal epithelial cells, inhibits throat infection.

Ou Tea drinking habits, at least 2 cups each day can help reduce diarrhea attack.

For women who are menstruating, will be spared from the pain, even more regularly.
Reference Ou Tea

Gerantologi Clinical Unit, University of Cambridge School of Medicine, United Kingdom and research Verona M. Habarty (2000) and Adden Brooke's Hospital, Cambridge, England; Given Ou content is Tanin and Tea catechins inhibit the absorption could be considered the main mineral for bone formation.

Apparently it's not true opinions because of their proven results and benefits add another one that actually Ou Tea can intercept osteoporosis (bone will shrink, easily broken and the body becomes bent) in postmenopausal women.

Doctor Lou Fu Qing, Zhejiang Medical Unveristy of China; Citing Ou Tea Pigments from it can inhibit blood vessel blockage, this role performed by the catechins (pigment content) which can inhibit the formation of plaque is called LDL cholesterol in the major arteries, causing strokes and attacks heart.

Laboratory Studies in Japan; Ou Tea is also known to contain Fluoride can strengthen tooth enamel and help prevent dental caries, dental plaque formation and kills bacteria cause inflammation of the gums mouth.

American Health Foundation in New York Valhala; concluded that Ou Tea can reduce tumor formation lungs of 30-45%, and can reduce the interference spasms that often occur in children and epilepsy.

Dr. Ralph Sacco of Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center; Ou Tea was able to change the surface pressure low fluid in the kidneys was high, thus preventing the formation of crystals or kidney stones, and which has been formed can be destroyed and out with urine.

Dr. Earl Mindell; Ou Tea can resist almost all types of bacteria, termasuki cholera and typhoid salmonella.