soto indonesia

Soto, sroto, or Coto is a typical Indonesian food made from meat and vegetable broth. The most common meat used is beef and chicken, but also pigs and goats. Various regions in Indonesia have their own type of soup, with a content different, for example, Kediri Soto Madura soto, soto Betawi, soto Padang, soto Bandung, Sokaraja soto, soto Banjar, Coto Makassar. Soto was also named after the abortion, such as chicken soup, tripe soup, soto goats. Soto has many similarities with the soup.

Because there are several kinds of soup in Indonesia, each has a way of serving different. Soto could be served with various toppings, such as crackers, cakes, emping melinjo, chili sauce, peanut sauce, and others. And also it is with such other additional Pindang egg satay, satay shells, lime, koya (mixed pile of crackers with garlic), etc.. As we all know that the staple food of Indonesia is rice, so the soup is usually served with rice as the main menu. However, there are differences in the main menu is rice. Most soup served with rice separately, like Soto Betawi, Soto Padang, and others. However, there is also served along with rice or rice soup mix, for example Holy Soto. In addition, there are also soup served with lontong or cooked rice wrapped in banana leaves, for example Coto Makassar. Then, there is also the use of noodles, not rice as the main menu, for example Soto Mie Bogor.